Professional Equipment for Serious Detectorists!


Legislation & Regulation

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Current, past and pending

Minnesota Delays Decision on Mineral Leases

Landowners complained that mineral mining on or near their property could damage property values while leaving them without a cut of potential profits.

Legislative And Regulatory Update

• Good news on EPA regs
• California rewards key appointment to dredging foe
• Republicans seek to block creation of National Monuments
• Zimbabwe threatens seizure of mining rights

Oregon Dredge Permit Litigation Update

In other words, just like those that move next to an airport and then complain about the noise, Mr. Riskedahl deliberately went out of his way to “witness and document the effects of suction dredge mining,” and when he found some, he was annoyed by it!
Small-scale and commercial suction gold dredges.

Judge Denies Request To Delay Michigan Mine

Manderfield’s ruling opens the way for Kennecott Eagle to begin blasting. The company has declined to say when it will start. A spokeswoman said drilling would begin “in the coming weeks".

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Salazar pushes wilderness
• California Governor signs AB 120

California Destroys Another Prospecting Business

His small business managed to pump millions of dollars over the years into the California economy.
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Legislative and Regulatory Update

• California suction dredging
• House shows support for public land use

Jury: Gov't Rightfully Seized 1933 Gold Coins

The verdict capped an unusual civil case that combined history, coin collecting and whether the $20 “double eagles” ever legally left the US Mint.

Can't We Just Do Something?

We know we lack critical minerals. We know the causes. We know the need. We have the knowledge we need right now. Why can’t we just take action and fix the problem?
We have all the equipment you need! PLUS, Help us name our Fluorescent Mineral Shaft and win some PAYDIRT! Call for details!!

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Battle continues in the "Golden State"
• California Water Board needs your comments

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• More roadblocks to dredging in California
• Two Oregon Sheriffs challenge Forest Service authority
• Gold is money

Dredge Mining—Current Situation in Idaho

Tomten concedes the scenario of federal environmental agents swooping in on river dredges near historic mining towns like Idaho City, Rocky Bar or Placerville remains unlikely.
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Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Some good news for a change
• New 49ers win Karuk appeal
• Another Oregon bill of concern

Suction Dredging Update for California & Idaho

The Disappearance of State Mining Departments

Unfortunately, mining is politically unpopular and support of the mining industry, no matter how many jobs it brings to a state, even in times of difficult financial need, is never popular among politicians of any stripe.
Get the pitch correct on your sluice box!

Proposed Regulations for California Suction Dredging

One of the most asinine proposals in the SEIR is to require miners to state when and where they will be dredging. This information would be accessible to the public, which would make them prime candidates for getting their homes burglarized while they are out mining.

5th Circuit Ruling May Benefit Miners

This ruling comes at an opportune time, just as suction dredge miners are dealing with new proposed regulations in several western states. Be sure to cite this case when you provide comments on the regulations!

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Oregon dredging bill defeated
• California bill would exempt dredgers from permitting
• Possible ESA listing
• Washington State tries to impose more fees on miners

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Idaho maintains control
• Enough wilderness already
• Restraining the EPA
• Republicans on the attack
• DOI requests hard rock royalty
• New Forest Service plans
• Bill supporting small miners
• New mercury emission regs
• Latest info on California suction dredging

Oregon Anti-Dredging Bill

SB 765...would tax suction gold dredgers by charging a $50 annual fee for in-state dredgers and a whopping $2,500 fee for out-of-state dredgers for each county where the miner intends to dredge.


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