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Legislation & Regulation

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Current, past and pending

MMAC & PLP Update

Many miners have failed to exercise their rights by using the power of their Mining Districts and laws that are already on the books, such as 43 CFR 9712.1, which states…

Legislative and Regulatory Update

PLF scores another win for property rights

Proof Mining Districts Work!

If you need more proof that having an organized Mining District can help you, look no further than the recently proposed Methow Headwaters Withdrawal in north-central Washington State.
Small-scale and commercial suction gold dredges.

MMAC & PLP Update

…what I’d like to focus on in this update is the assistance they provided to a suction gold dredger in Idaho being harassed by an environmental group.

Update: People v. Rinehart

The law is on our side, but we’ve seen some crazy rulings coming out of courtrooms lately. I believe Rinehart will win his case, but then we move on to the State Water Resources Control Board.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• AEMA joins Sage-grouse lawsuit
• People v. Rinehart
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MMAC & PLP Update

Each separate Mining District is a federally recognized entity. There are huge advantages—picture yourself going to an oversight meeting where 2, 3, 4, or even more Mining District representatives have obtained voting positions on the board. 

Mining Districts: A Short Review of Legal Authorities

Mining Districts are the private regulatory authority granted by Congress recognized to regulate the mineral lands held by the United States and for the disposal to citizens of the United States, by means of development and potentially perfected by patent.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• US District Court rules against Oregon miners
• Bill to halt sage grouse management plans introduced.

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MMAC & PLP Update

mmac & plp update

PLP had been attempting to raise funds to hire a lobbyist. The excessive cost made it prohibitive, so Clark and Joe packed up their bags and headed off to make this trip themselves.

MMAC & PLP Update

The legislators soon came to the realization that Mining Districts and our proposed bill can solve many of the problems they currently face in their home states.

Multiple Use Lands, Symbiotic Relations and Conflict Resolution

The automatic discrimination and exclusion of man from nature, like his access and use of the land, presupposes man as a destructive force for change, absent a relative hard look at the natural forces of change. Setting aside lands for non-use does not encourage wise use symbiotic tenets, which man has traditionally formed in his coexistence with nature.
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Legislative and Regulatory Update

• BLM proposed budget asks for funds for mining restrictions
• Oregon bill 838
• California suction gold dredging update

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• "Recreational" mining bills in Washington State
• Three more national monuments

Addressing EPA Overreach: What Dredgers Need to Know

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been attempting to extend their authority and intimidate miners and other public land users for decades. Suction gold dredgers are no exception, and we want to highlight a recent example of how to deal with this federal overreach.
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MMAC & PLP Update

Just prior to our press deadline, we learned that a bill had been introduced in the Idaho House of Representatives to redefine suction gold dredging as a preferred use in public waterways in Idaho.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• California suction dredging trial resumes
• USFS tries unique method to restrict gold dredging in Idaho
• Defiant dredgers tell State of Oregon to “drop dead”

Northwestern Alaska Mineral Resources

Gold and jade are actually only minor mineral resources for the Northwestern Alaska region as a whole. Modern prospecting has focused more on base metal than precious metal resources.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• More roadblocks in southern California
• Greater Sage-grouse withdrawals

MMAC & PLP Update

I’ve received quite a few inquiries from miners who are beginning to realize that traditional Mining Districts are powerful entities and they are looking to get their district organized if it’s in disarray.


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