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Legislation & Regulation

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Current, past and pending

BLM Cancels 10-Million-Acre Sage Grouse Mineral Withdrawal

The very way it was done at the time didn’t give one much confidence in the objectivity and honesty of the BLM study.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

  • Budd-Falen in line to become next director at BLM
  • Ten national monuments slated for changes or reductions
  • California adds another fee

Legislative and Regulatory Update

  • PLF sues over critical habitat
  • Attorney General ends EPA slush fund
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Miners Win in Montana Water Court

I hope this case inspires some of you. It shows that miners can and do succeed when they are persistent and well-prepared, even when representing themselves against state and federal attorneys in a court of law.

EPA Chief to Reconsider Paying Claims Over Mine Waste Spill

“We feel that we can clean up an area that has been abandoned after 100 years of mining,” Lyon said.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

  • Reminder: Annual claim fees due September 1, 2017
  • Update on California suction gold dredging
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US Rare Earths: We Have & We Have Not

America’s premier source of strategic REEs were regulated out of business and 300 employees lost their jobs. For almost fifteen years America has been dependent on the communist Chinese cartel.

EPA Reopens Comments on Pebble Project

The settlement did not grant an immediate approval for the project, but it did begin to clear the way for the company to apply for federal permits—a path the Obama administration previously had thwarted.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

  • Property rights advocate in running for top BLM spot
  • “Draining the swamp” at Interior
Serving Professional and Recreational Prospectors since 1979

Legislative and Regulatory Update

  • Welcome changes in Washington, DC
  • Giving power back to the people

MMAC Update

In May 2017, the district participated in a meeting with representatives from several state and federal agencies where they educated agency officials about the authority of Mining Districts, Mining Law and miner’s rights.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

Oregon Senate passes Senate Bill 3

Charles P. Watson, Chief Geologist

MMAC Update

We spent our evening at some informal get-togethers at two private residences in the DC area, which provided the opportunity to talk with staff members from Congress, other agencies, and a few consultants working on public land issues. We found common ground with many of them, and found a strong ally in a former Congressman turned consultant who agreed that Mining Districts provide the smartest legal route...

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Bills introduced to stop federal management of greater sage grouse
• WOTUS under review
• Congressional Review Act

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Conformation for some
• Congress canceling regulations
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MMAC Update

This will provide the opportunity to meet with many of the members of Congress in a more informal setting at several meetings, luncheons and dinners. And we have been offered the chance to meet with President Trump’s staff.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Obama’s parting shots
• California suction dredging
• Oregon follows California’s lead
• Lawsuit coming; bill introduced to stop mining in Washington State
• President Trump halts new federal regulations

MMAC Update

One caller wondered why he should be required to join MMAC, asked why MMAC was not a non-profit, and compared it to some kind of extortion attempt. If he had questions like these, I assume there are others with similar questions and I will address them here.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Trump cabinet forming
• Last minute regulations
• California suction dredging

Mining Districts in Montana Get Organized

Those miners present immediately recognized the benefits of becoming members of MMAC and joined up on the spot. I spent some time answering a few questions, and then the miners took over.


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