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Legislation & Regulation

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Salazar pushes wilderness
• California Governor signs AB 120

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Oregon Miners Take DEQ to Court, Again

Since 2005, a group representing a handful of Oregon and Washington mining organizations, centered around the Eastern Oregon Mining Association (EOMA) and the Waldo Mining District (WMD), have been actively fighting the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) over their then new “700PM Suction Dredge Mining Permit.”

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Nevada proposal to cap tax deductions for mining businesses stalls
• NEPA gets a much needed update
• Army Corps to release review of Pebble Mine

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Trump wins!
• 9th Circuit: projected global warming is sufficient for ESA
• Eagle Mountain proposed withdrawal
• CA Water Board dredge meetings

Miners Fight Back Against Road Closures

In the meeting, we presented Ms. Skalski with the various court cases from the 9th Circuit Court on these settled law cases and she was mortified.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

  • NEPA comments due
  • Update on latest US Supreme Court suction gold dredging appeal
  • Washington State tries to restrict suction gold dredging

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Oregon dredging bill defeated
• California bill would exempt dredgers from permitting
• Possible ESA listing
• Washington State tries to impose more fees on miners

Administration Offers Up Conflicting Goals and Executive Orders

To reach this goal, our federal government would need to designate another 45.7 million acres as protected lands every year.

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California Destroys Another Prospecting Business


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