We are serious about privacy!
1. ICMJ does not sell nor give away information to other entities. We do not sell nor give away subscriber lists, mailing lists, phone numbers, or email addresses.
2. When you provide your email address or phone number, we will only contact you if needed in the normal course of business. We do not bother our customers!!! We do not contact you with other offers!!! For example, you may get an email or phone call from us if the post office says your package was undeliverable. Or you may get an email to let you know it is time to renew your subscription.
3. We will send personally identifiable information about you to other companies or people when:
You ask us to do so;
We need to share your information to provide the product, service, or information you have requested;
We respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal process.
You fail to pay a past due balance on an advertising or newsstand account.
4. Cookies. Your login information will be retained on your computer in the form of a cookie, along with shopping cart information if you place an order.
5. Use of credit cards. When subscription or back issue orders are placed online, credit card numbers are processed automatically through Paymentech. Printed order records are retained in our office for 5 years, then shredded.
It has been our long-standing policy to respect the privacy of our subscribers, customers, and website users. We have not, and will not, provide our subscriber lists and information to other companies, nor will we use your information to bother you!!!