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Legislation & Regulation

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Current, past and pending

Court Says Emergency Rule in California Unjustified

Superior Court Judge Karen L. Dixon granted the temporary restraining order on July 3, 2013.

Annual Claim Fees Due September 3, 2013

Because September 1 falls on a Sunday this year; and Monday, September 2, is a holiday, the BLM will accept yearly filings through September 3.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Hearing date moved up for preliminary injunction for California suction dredging
• Anti-mining bills in Oregon lead to recall effort
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Study Confirms Mercury Levels Safe in California's Gold Country

While the Water Board documented the selenium levels in fish and noted they exceed the levels of mercury, they have yet to acknowledge the numerous scientific studies that show selenium effectively neutralizes the effects of mercury.

Record $11 Million Fine for California Mine

State regulators imposed a record $11 million fine on the operators of a gold mine in the Sierra foothills east of Sacramento.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Two million acres of proposed habitat
• Last chance for Nevada claim refunds
• California suction gold dredging update
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Nevada Mining Tax Cap Repeal Clears Committee

An Assembly panel approved a measure to repeal the constitutional tax cap on net proceeds paid by mining companies in Nevada.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Battle continues in Oregon
• Stop annexation in Southern California
• EPA ignores Supreme Court ruling with new Idaho permit
• Alaska sues Feds to restore access rights
• California dredgers await next big court date

Contact Information for Oregon Senators

Phone or email these Senators and politely express your thoughts and opinions on the pending legislation. (See Legislative and Regulatory Update for more information on the pending legislation.)
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Legislative and Regulatory Update

• EPA investigated for environmental ties
• Hundreds of miners show up to rally at Oregon State Capitol
• DOI nominee would be bad for miners

Selenium, Mercury and Suction Dredging—Studies Contradict CA State Water Resources Board

Federal and state regulatory agencies often cite mercury and methyl mercury in our waterways as a major factor for further restrictions on placer mining, and on suction gold dredge mining, in particular. However, these regulatory agencies are minimizing selenium and its neutralizing effects.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Oregon's attack on suction gold dredging
• New DOI Director nominated
• More Forest Service restrictions in the works
• California suction gold dredging
Charles P. Watson, Chief Geologist

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• "Not a pollutant"
• Thank you Senator Sessions
• California suction dredging
• EPA uses secret email accounts

Feds Challenge North Idaho Mining Claims

Fishing, camping and the protection of American Indian artifacts along a 30-mile section of the North Fork of the Clearwater River outweigh the desire of placer miners to search for gold, an attorney representing the US Forest Service said.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• US Supreme Court may consider requirements for Notitce of Intent
• Oregon considering mining restrictions
• Latest developments in California suction dredging moratorium
• Spotted owl habitat
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Small Miner Beats Forest Service in Court

Thomas Tierney has been a long-time subscriber to ICMJ’s Prospecting and Mining Journal and has read about the many battles between miners and overzealous regulators. Then he faced his own battle.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Increase in claim fees
• Impact of recent elections
• Current suction gold dredging status in California
• Parks in Southern California

Lawsuit Update From the New 49'ers

Many of you are aware that we have been engaged in litigation with anti-mining activists that have been attacking us through the Karuk Tribe of California since 2003. It all started with their lawsuit against the US Forest Service (USFS), challenging that District Rangers do not have the authority to allow small-scale mining activities under a Notice of Intent (NOI) when the Ranger concludes that the mining activity is not likely to create a substantial surface disturbance.

Constitutional Sheriffs Standing Up for Our Rights

Modoc County, California, is the latest county to use emergency powers to declare a state of emergency in order to take control of roads and trails away from federal agencies.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• BLM to raise fees again
• Roadless Rule stands
• Suit filed over dredging restrictions in Washington State
• NWMA lends support
• California suction gold dredging lawsuits progressing


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