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Legislation & Regulation

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Current, past and pending

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Sheriff withdraws Forest Service law enforcement authority

MMAC & PLP Update

On July 4, we are reminded of the sacrifices our Founding Fathers made to establish this great country of ours, and in that spirit, the Minerals and Mining Advisory Council (MMAC) has created a draft Declaration of Miners.And MMAC has been hard at work writing a bill, with the unwavering support of several members of Congress, to reaffirm the rights of miners operating in traditional mining districts.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• California dredging update
• Favorable bills in Congress
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Direct and Constructive Notice

It's a proven civil remedy to put an end to harassment by notifying a person who is either overstepping their authority, or failing to act as required, that they will be sued personally for an act or omission.

Update on MMAC & PLP

Public Lands for the People is working on a Miner's Bill of Rights with the support of several members of Congress.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

Suction dredging court cases in California linger on
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Our Readers Say

Then I had one of my worst experiences as a prospector when I visited the US Forest Service office for this area.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Positive bill passes House
• Anti-mining bill dies in Washington State

State Lends Help to County in Nevada Road Fight

Nevada’s attorney general for the first time is joining a rural county in a 15-year-old legal battle...
We have all the equipment you need! PLUS, Help us name our Fluorescent Mineral Shaft and win some PAYDIRT! Call for details!!

Utah Approves funds to Fight Feds

Republican legislators say the funding is necessary to protect state interests...

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Flurry of new bills in Congress
• Gold mining bills in Washington State
• Idaho suction dredging bill
• California suction dredging update
• PLP fundraising drive

Tasers and Mining Don't Mix

First, the US Forest Service does not have any authority to enforce or administer any “claim jumping” laws, period.
Charles P. Watson, Chief Geologist

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Comments needed on another BLM management plan
• AEMA joins with others in lawsuit asking court to set aside illegal settlement

Mining Community Loses A Great Leader: Gerald "Jerry" Hobbs

He certainly wasn’t afraid of a fight or a court battle, and he didn’t back away from calling out those who tried to compromise the rights of miners.

Suction Gold Dredge Miners Win On Federal Preemption

Judge Ochoa went so far as to call the California permit scheme “unenforceable.”
Get the pitch correct on your sluice box!

Uniting The Small Miners

Have you ever wondered what it is going to take to stop the insanity of politicians and environmental groups from taking away our rights?

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Some positives in spending bill
• Judge puts brakes on the EPA in Alaska
• Judge to rule in favor of suction gold dredgers

Significant Progress for California Suction Gold Dredgers

It was a milestone day in the battle to maintain the rights of miners to dredge on federal mining claims in California.

Suction Dredging Battle Escalates

• State attorneys claim the Court of Appeals wrongly relied on South Dakota Mining Association v. Lawrence County regarding federal preemption...

The Dredge Report

As a plaintiff in one of the lawsuits, I’m not allowed to talk about specifics in the court-ordered negotiations currently underway in San Bernardino. However, I do want to let you know we are making progress…


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