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Restoring the Rule of Law to US Mining

Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colorado) sponsored the Federal Agency Compliance Act (S-1166) in the 105th Congress to prevent bureaucrats from abusing their office by ignoring federal case law. This legislation apparently failed, but is still needed. During the Clinton administration, Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt illegally directed the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to...

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For years I had studied the tempting bench high above the East Fork of the San Gabriel River. A beautiful 20-foot vertical wall of encrusted boulders, cobbles and gravels beckoned to me 100 to 150 yards up a steep slope from the river bed. They were all very promising material. The kind of rounded curves that can charm so well, and tease a grown man into risking life and limb. So, on that nearly fatal day in May, I packed a spiral wheel...

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Fault Zones and Prospects

As we walked back we were just reaching the point of where the faulting should be and there, covered with deep grass, was very faint evidence of an old road going up the mountainside! What was that old road doing there?

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The Bawl Mill   • Our Readers Say   • Buying or Investing in Mineral Properties   • The Joy of Prospecting   • Company Notes   • Picks & Pans: Rattlesnakes in a Gold Camp   • Old-Time Mining Geology Books   • Ask the Experts: Recommended Reading—Part I   • The Tangential Impulse Water Wheel in California Gold Mining History—Part I   • Consider Adding Gold to Your Portfolio   • US Files Charges Against Gold Refiner   • Gold in Australia   • Gold in Rotten Rock   • Melman on Gold & Silver   • Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Legislative and Regulatory Update


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