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Melman on Gold & Silver

To paraphrase the great Sir Winston Churchill, it would appear that, “Never have so many been so happy about so much!” Investors in stocks are happy; investors in gold are happy; investors in commodities, real estate, government bonds and even airline and utility stocks are happy. Productivity is growing; inflation appears to be diminishing and...

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Cold, clear water flowed around my neck as I sat in a water hole on Discovery Gulch in Interior Alaska. I squinted up at the hot interior sun, as it seemed to be trying to mock me, frying me in it's 88 degree rays.

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Consider Adding Gold to Your Portfolio

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A Walk Through The Gold Indicators

The question that most new people have is, “What do I detect?” Most people have a picture in their mind of what it takes to make what they are seeing a good place to detect. This is what I will try to sort out for you.

Looking Back

Excerpts from California Mining Journal, our original title, published 50 years ago this month.

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The Bawl Mill   • Our Readers Say   • Buying or Investing in Mineral Properties   • The Joy of Prospecting   • Company Notes   • Picks & Pans: Rattlesnakes in a Gold Camp   • Old-Time Mining Geology Books   • Ask the Experts: Recommended Reading—Part I   • The Tangential Impulse Water Wheel in California Gold Mining History—Part I   • Consider Adding Gold to Your Portfolio   • US Files Charges Against Gold Refiner   • Gold in Australia   • Gold in Rotten Rock   • Restoring the Rule of Law to US Mining   • Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Legislative and Regulatory Update


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