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PLP and Mining Districts

PLP Update Downieville Gold Rush Days Is Fast Approaching!

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PLP Update

The intent is to rein in abuses by rogue agents of the Forest Service who have an anti-mining agenda whereby a miner can get a bad federal agent fired.

MMAC & PLP Update

Keep in mind there are specific steps that must be taken to get your traditional mining district organized if it has fallen into disarray.

PLP Update

…a half-dozen dredgers have completed the appropriate paperwork and are conducting dredging operations at this juncture. They hope to expand these efforts to other western states in the near future.

PLP Update

PLP Update

During discussions with other property rights advocates and members of the current administration, Karen Budd-Falen’s name was mentioned many times as a possible director for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

MMAC & PLP Update -- Rand Mining District Gets Organized

The process of updating the Rand Mining District is underway and you’ll see a Public Notice in this issue requesting interested parties to submit an application to serve on the board.

PLP Update

Public Lands for the People has established an online petition. We would like to gather thousands of signatures from across the country to show members of Congress that their constituents are supporting this legislation.

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The Idaho Gamble Part 3   • First Gold   • Explosives Outlook 2023   • The Rich Mining History of Two Mother-Load Towns   • Finding Art in the Desert   • Resource Maven Independent Analysis of the Resource Markets   • Improving Your Nugget Count With A Detector

The Bawl Mill   • Fight for Public Lands in the Eagle Mountains of the Mojave Desert   • Legislation and Regulation


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