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Gold in Rotten Rock

Rotten rock (saprolite) can be found in all warm, humid regions, but is best developed in humid, subtropical climates, like that found in the American South. Outwardly, it looks like bedrock, but upon closer inspection, it can be seen that roots penetrate it and that it can be worked with a shovel or hydraulic monitor.

How to Refine Silver—Pt I

Silver refining has been used from ancient times to change the characteristics of the metal. Early metallurgists refined silver by heating it a couple hundred degrees above its melting point and holding the metal at an elevated temperature for a period of time.

Ask The Experts—What is a "closed" claim?

Q: I’ve been using a computer program that lists both active and closed mining claims. Can you tell me the definition of a closed claim and why they would be shown?

Goldfield—Princess of the Mojave

The sunbeams are winding their way through the snowclouds. I am rising out of Death Valley to engage in some reverie, a journey into times past. Prospect pits, phantoms from boom times’ extinct, appear on the side of the road. Soon, I enter the Bullfrog Mining District.

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Prospecting In The Wake Of The Mosquito Fire:

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Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Miner Says Mining Could Return to Boulder

New core samples taken near Caribou, not far from the Continental Divide at the edge of Boulder County, show the potential for major production in coming years, an owner of the mine says.

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