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Clean Fuel, Cleaner Air

A-55 Clean fuels, which are emulsions of oil and water, are said to produce much lower oxides of nitrogen and particulate matter emissions.

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Drywashing in Black Canyon, Arizona

After the hike and a quick snack break we gathered a few buckets of material to really dial in the drywasher for the most efficient recovery. This involves leveling the unit, setting the riffle box drop angle and regulating the speed in which the material is processed.

The Basics of Permitting and Bonding Your Mining Operation

With the recent surge of interest in gold projects, it’s about time to revisit a subject that strikes fear into the hearts of small-scale miners: Permits.

Tips for Detecting Nugget Patches

Certainly many other successful nugget hunters have mentioned these methods; hopefully I can add to or clarify these methods.

Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Ask The Experts - Can you provide information on gold in Ghana?

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