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Environment-Friendly Dredging

The modern gold prospector is a person of great moral fiber who loves the freedoms of this country and understands that with rights come responsibilities.

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Q: How do we get Congress to make up for some of their blunders and do something productive for a change, such as releasing those withdrawn WSAs?

Investors Take a Shine to Platinum, Palladium

Move over gold and make way for platinum and palladium. Investors are taking a shine to these lesser-known precious metals as their prices rise.

Las Médulas—The Gem of the Roman Gold Mines

This mine was a real wonder of engineering, and the water supply and drifts had to be carefully managed to keep it in operation. In fact, it didn’t close due to lack of gold, but instead closed with the fall of the Roman Empire.

Shortage of Mining Engineers Projected

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Lucky Shot Mine and the Willow Creek Plutons

Once a thriving mining community, the town of Lucky Shot, Alaska,  also known as Kellyville, is nowhere to be found today. Buildings were either hauled away or burned. The snow loads of the Talkeetna Mountains crushed some of...

The Spanish Silver of Mowry

The Arizona mine and town that eventually became known as Mowry actually started with the discovery of a rich ledge of silver by either Spanish Jesuit priests or Spanish soldiers around 1736.

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