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The Bawl Mill

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Sometimes funny, sometimes just sad

The Bawl Mill

• Congressional "over"-spending bill is big win for big money
• Weapons of mass expenditure
• US taxpayers can celebrate yet another milestone

The Bawl Mill

• A lack of intelligence
• The $40,000 bird
• A little too transparent, a little too late

The Bawl Mill

• Skeletons in the closet
• Stop horsing around!
• Know your veggies!
Home of the Original Gold Claimer

The Bawl Mill

• Transparently bogus website
• Top lawyer hits bottom
• The wait at the DMV just got a lot longer
• Department of Tax Evasion

The Bawl Mill

• Just a drop in the (coal) bucket
• Location, Location, Location...
• The "hard drive" for answers...

Bawl Mill

• Lukewarm consensus among scientists regarding global warming
• Yet another example of why big government is NOT the answer...
• Everyone deserves a second chance...
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The Bawl Mill

• The dog ate my homework
• Boating in Afghanistan?

The Bawl Mill

• IRS—Inept Resource Specialists
• A drought of common sense
• Thanks for your service, now please hold...

The Bawl Mill

• Three strikes and you're out!
• Your share of the National Debt
• April 15 wasn't just the deadline for taxpayers
The most sensitive gold probe available!

The Bawl Mill

• What's good for the goose is good for Senator Feinstein...
• So much waste, it could fill a book...annually
• Just put it on my card...

The Bawl Mill

• ObamaCare likely to drive unemployment numbers higher
• Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's budget
• 646 consecutive strikeouts

The Bawl Mill

• The dirty truth about clean energy
• By the numbers
Charles P. Watson, Chief Geologist

The Bawl Mill

• If you don't like the numbers, make up your own!
• By the numbers
• And the award goes to...

The Bawl Mill

• People in lead houses should not throw stones...
• The Anything-but-Affordable Care Act

The Bawl Mill

• There's a fungus among us
• Taxpayers crash land in Arizona
• "What did you get arrested for?"
Buy direct and save $$!

The Bawl Mill

• Here we go round Obamacare...
• Care packages for al-Qaeda?

The Bawl Mill

• More on the "Affordable" Care Act
• Abandon (citizen)Ship!
• USDA makes "grave" payment errors

The Bawl Mill

• Reality show or reality?
• Big brother pays well...
• "Less is more" is really less

The Bawl Mill

• Can you hear me now?
• IRS = Irresponsible, Renegade Scoundrels
• The $293 million dollar nap

The Bawl Mill

• Fried golden eagle is bad; diced is okay
• Your tax dollars at work


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