Professional Equipment for Serious Detectorists!


The Bawl Mill

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Sometimes funny, sometimes just sad

The Bawl Mill

• IRS: Please hold for the next available tax year
• Save it for a rainy day
• Judge has no patience for slow data delivery

The Bawl Mill

• A back breaking commute…
• It depends on what the meaning of the word “MasterClass” is…
• Location, location, location…
• The tarnished “Golden State”

The Bawl Mill

• Your order will be ready in the year 2076
• The roadrunner was finally caught

Great Specials - See website for details!

The Bawl Mill

• Can you see me now?
• Paying more for less
• California’s Governor Newsom passes gas... engine ban

The Bawl Mill

• Does he really “represent” Michigan?
• The California real estate market is hot!

The Bawl Mill

• Muzzle puzzle
• America’s loss is China’s gain

Hand crafted and designed for use in all media.

The Bawl Mill

• Texas government has more plot twists than the TV series “Dallas”

The Bawl Mill

• Sunshine State to the rescue
• Bezos to be banished from the planet?
• Would you like some water with that?

The Bawl Mill

• This was not on the itinerary…
• Zoom meeting becomes “vroom” meeting

Serving Professional and Recreational Prospectors since 1979

The Bawl Mill

• Employee takes 15-year vacation
• Congratulations! Nevermind...

The Bawl Mill

• San Francisco’s solution for homeless problem is intense (in tents)
• The student isn’t the only one who’s failing
• Big Tech is big enough to be regulated

The Bawl Mill

• Sheriff's Office offered a Valentine's Day "special" for exes
• Applellate judge is bringing down the house

Charles P. Watson, Chief Geologist

The Bawl Mill

• His self-worth has no value…without a password
• Very costly accusations

The Bawl Mill

• Doing hard time, making easy money
• A cozy bear prevents miners from doing research. Well, sort of...

The Bawl Mill

• These are interesting times we live in...
• Bigfoot spotted and returned home

Get the pitch correct on your sluice box!

The Bawl Mill

• Airport screeners strike gold
• That’s a (w)rap, folks!

The Bawl Mill

• Too early to build the crusher?
• Time for small mine exemptions
• Should I be checking the culverts for gold?

The Bawl Mill

• Comedian picks on wrong town


The Bawl Mill

• USPS reverts to ponies?
• Crime and (no) punishment

The Bawl Mill

• Crackdown on China continues


Precious Metals Recovery plants and equipment
Fighting to keep public lands open to the public
Specializing in the processing of precious metal ores!
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