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Melman on Gold & Silver

After weeks, months, even years of eager anticipation, the New Millennium has dawned!

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"I will go to America and reap my fortune, and when I come back to this God-forsaken town, people will treat me with respect and take their hats off to me even if you don't believe what I am saying." His wife lowered her head. She had heard all of this before...

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We are quite pleased to report there are some courageous miners who have taken the time to learn their rights and have gone back to dredging while knowing they could be unlawfully harassed at any time by law enforcement…

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One of the greatest opportunities afforded to the citizens of our country is the right to stake and hold mining claims on federal lands. One doesn’t need to be a lawyer to stake mining claims, but a little bit of knowledge about mining claim laws can be helpful.

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