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Excerpts from California Mining Journal, our original title, published 50 years ago this month.

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The Green Land-Grabbers: It's Not Just the Feds Who Are After Your Land

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Precious Metals in the Patagonia Mountains

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As laws become cluttered, difficult to understand and almost impossible to enforce both effectively and economically, they are bound to drag down industry and commerce inside a welter of complications.

Has Senator Harry Reid Worn Out His Welcome?

Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid, once a staunch supporter of mining and a voice of reason when dealing with public lands issues, seems to have changed his tune.

Treasure Hunters Challenge FBI Over Dig for Civil War Gold

The father-son duo spent years combing this bit of Pennsylvania wilderness with high-end metal detectors, drills and other tools to prospect for a fabled cache of Civil War gold.

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Legislative and Regulatory Update


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