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The St. Louis Gold District
February 2009 by Chris Ralph
A large number of small streams drain the region and nearly every one of those creeks, streams, gulches and other drainages in the area holds some gold. The streams with water offer opportunities to dredgers, panners and snipers.The Bawl Mill
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Ask The Experts: How would you go about evaluating a silver deposit?
Any ore grading 32% silver would contain more than 9,000 ounces of silver per ton and be valued at something in the range of $150,000 per ton. Even a few tons of this type of material would be well worth shipping off to a smelter for treatment.
Miner's Cabin—Red Shack Territory
As we approached the river the view was outstanding and the sight was encouraging. A ravine coming down on the right side had been worked heavily, with rock piled back on each side. That surely meant there was gold somewhere close.
Picks & Pans: The Gold of "Eldorado Canyon"—Mariposa County, California
First, let me say that Eldorado Canyon is what we call this area, but it’s not the real name. It’s a piece of private property where we have permission to metal detect; I do not want to start another gold rush! The property is located in Mariposa County...
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The Bawl Mill
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