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High Court to Rule on Kensington Tailings
February 2009 by Matthew Daly
A case before the Supreme Court could set a precedent for how mining waste is disposed of in streams, rivers, lakes and even wetlands.Additional articles that might interest you...
Tales of California Gold Discoveries 1st in a Series—Yankee Jim's
September 2005
Most everyone has heard the term “gold is where you find it’” and probably have read how James Marshall, in 1848, while inspecting the mill-race ditch that had been dug to supply water for the saws at the sawmill that he was building for John Sutter, ended up finding the first pieces of gold within the ditch along the South Fork of the American River...
Most everyone has heard the term “gold is where you find it’” and probably have read how James Marshall, in 1848, while inspecting the mill-race ditch that had been dug to supply water for the saws at the sawmill that he was building for John Sutter, ended up finding the first pieces of gold within the ditch along the South Fork of the American River...
"Gold" Coin Debuts
March 2000
For the first time, the Sacagawea Golden Dollar changed hands, intermingling with scuffed quarters and nickels, setting itself apart with its golden hue.
For the first time, the Sacagawea Golden Dollar changed hands, intermingling with scuffed quarters and nickels, setting itself apart with its golden hue.
Government Says New Mine Will Benefit Bears
November 2006
Grizzly bears stand to benefit if a copper and silver mine is developed beneath Montana’s Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, the US Fish and Wildlife Service said in a rewritten opinion.
Grizzly bears stand to benefit if a copper and silver mine is developed beneath Montana’s Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, the US Fish and Wildlife Service said in a rewritten opinion.
1999 National Mining Hall of Fame Inductees
August 1999
Ceremonies to induct 1999s nominees into the National Mining Hall of Fame will be held Sunday October 10,
1999 at the Adam's Mark Hotel in St. Louis, MO.
Ceremonies to induct 1999s nominees into the National Mining Hall of Fame will be held Sunday October 10,
1999 at the Adam's Mark Hotel in St. Louis, MO.
Ask The Experts—What minerals are magnetic? Can rare earth magnets capture platinum?
February 2011
What minerals are magnetic? I have heard that super magnets (rare earth magnets) can capture platinum. True?
What minerals are magnetic? I have heard that super magnets (rare earth magnets) can capture platinum. True?
Now Is The Time For Exploration
October 2020
I’ve been following the precious metals for decades, and I haven’t seen a move this powerful in many years.
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