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Prospecting in Tennessee
February 2009 by Tim LeGrand
As soon as I learned that there was gold in Tennessee I just had to go find some.N.Y. Congressman Introduces Utah Wilderness Bill
For the fifth time in the last decade, New York Congressman Maurice Hinchey has introduced legislation to set aside wilderness in Utah.
Editorial—BLM 43 CFR 3809 Revision Status
ICMJ has reviewed the U.S. DOI, BLM, 516 page Environmental Impact Statement on proposed 43 CFR 3809...and can only conclude that the proposed action amounts to several more nails in mining's coffin.
The Bawl Mill
- Imitation is the sincerest form of...theft
- SF hands out more needles than report cards
Silver Mining Returning to Texas
Today, a Canadian company is reviving the mine to take advantage of silver prices that have tripled since 2009, giving the few dozen residents still living in the area more action than they’ve seen in decades.
Overcoming Repeated Skunks
When hunting for nuggets does not yield any gold for a couple days, it can get pretty frustrating. But it turns into serious mental anguish when it stretches into weeks or months.
Reading A River: Understanding Erosion and Gold
Rivers are not just random and accidental; streams and other drainages are what they are because of the forces of erosion acting on the bedrock.
Legislative and Regulatory Update
• Environmentalists are missing a golden opportunity
• Special-use authorization not needed
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The Bawl Mill
• Our Readers Say
• Oldest Journal Contest - The Winners
• The St. Louis Gold District
• Mining Boom May Be In Store For Upper Michigan
• Mining Gold Near Elk Creek, Oregon
• East Coast Dredger Heads West - Part II
• Lost Canyon
• High Court to Rule on Kensington Tailings
• A Warning About Mercury
• NovaGold Resources Receives Lifeline
• Jerritt Canyon Mill May Reopen
• Looking Back
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