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Ask The Experts: How to remove precious metals from lead?

I have a large amount of precious metals, gold and silver, mixed in with lead. Cupelling is expensive. What method can I use to extract the gold and silver without cupelling?

Researching and Staking Mining Claims—Part II

Owning a mining claim is one of the greatest opportunities still available to American citizens. In last month’s article, we covered the basics of researching public lands and determining if the spot is open to claim.

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Gold and silver in Pennsylvania

Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Targeted for a Tax Audit

Although the risk of a federal tax audit remains low, thanks to the Internal Revenue Service’s secret audit selection process every prospector, miner, and mining-related business owner has good reason to fear an audit, but only if they are not prepared.

VLF Detectors and the Effect of Mineralization While Nuggetshooting

For those who are perplexed and puzzled by the mystery of “hot rocks,” or are considering using a VLF-type metal detector to seek gold nuggets, please read on.

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Legislative and Regulatory Update


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