August 2004 (Vol. 73, No. 12) $3.25
The Bawl Mill
• Cruising into court
• Where did it all go?
• Big Brother is watching...your odometer?
• Apartment cleaning pays well -
Lawsuit to Challenge New Forest Service Regulations
The Forest Service has been busy lately, promulgating rules and regulations that will negatively impact small miners and prospectors. Public Lands for the People (PLP) is taking action to put a stop to it. -
Legislative and Regulatory Update
• States can manage their own roadless areas
• Forest lands and suction dredging -
Gold in Utah Laccoliths
The Colorado Plateau, much of it “Red Rock Country,” covers most of southern and eastern Utah, as well as parts of adjoining states. Elevations range from 3,600 to over 12,000 feet. Much of the region is... -
Where Do I Begin?
You’ve developed an interest in prospecting for gold. A couple friends have told you how much fun they’ve had looking for gold. In this article I’ll point out the pros and cons of this activity and by the end you can decide to what degree you want to pursue your search for gold. -
Looking Back
Excerpts from California Mining Journal, our original title, published 50 years ago this month. -
Mine President Seeks Opinions From Peers
Everyone in the United States will be affected by the Company’s appeal before the United States Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit, in San Francisco, California. The issue is more than just a mining one. It involves the legality of the imposition by one federal agency and a couple of its employees to define and designate the management of an American business. -
Over The Divide
T. Lyle Taylor
Jan. 2, 1945 - Jun. 18, 2004 -
Picks & Pans: Miner Finds Heart of Gold
We started planning for this trip last year, after we left Ganes Creek, Alaska, and headed back to civilization. I found 4.75 ounces of very nice nuggets and the group had a total of 47.47 ounces for the week. -
Company Notes
• Wheaton River Minerals
• Coeur d'Alene Mines Corp.
• Iamgold Corp.
• Golden Star Resources
• China Minmetals Corp.
• Noranda Inc.
• Golden Eagle International, Inc.
• Clifton Mining Company
• Nord Resources Corp. -
Canadian Arrow Tries Different Approach
Timmins, Ontario, is a fascinating city for miners to observe. During periods of strong mining activity, Timmins prospers, home values rise, retail activity increases, vacant office spaces fill up and so forth. However, during periods of... -
Greenstone is a hard, tough, altered igneous rock, usually dark green in color. The term “greenstone” has been loosely applied to all greenish rock, including peridotite, dunite, jade, serpentine, and even hydro thermally altered rocks in mining districts. True greenstone is... -
Experts Forecast Rising Prices for Gold, Silver
During the two investment conventions in Vancouver this January, the mood was incredibly upbeat. Gold was rising strongly and prospects appeared bright. The same was true at the giant PDAC gathering in Toronto in March. By late April the shine had come off the short-term prices of metals... -
A Few Reminders About Fraud
Some calls from subscribers and advertisers over the past few months have prompted us to remind both buyers and sellers to be wary of fraudulent activity in the prospecting and mining industry. -
Mining: Doing it Right the First Time
Governor Frank Murkowski’s blueprint for a prosperous Alaska has a solid foundation of resource, energy and economic development and “doing it right the first time.” Hiring Alaskans is our number one priority because every good job also means good schools and communities for Alaska families. -
Prospectors & Treasure Hunters Find Gems
Members of the Rocky Mountain Prospectors and Treasure Hunters Club from Fort Collins, Colorado, were recently entertained by W. Dan Hausel, Senior Economic Geologist with the Wyoming State Geological Survey. -
The Golden Highway—El Dorado County
Continuing northward and crossing the Consumnes River along California’s famed Highway 49, the “Golden Highway” leads through the heart of the Mother Lode countryto El Dorado County. This is where the Gold Rush began... -
Melman on Gold & Silver
If there was one word that characterized news events of the past month it was “uncertainty.” Would the United States hand over the government of Iraq to the newly-installed leadership? Would the Fed at long last raise interest rates, and, if so, by how much? Would the new pattern of sabotage against oil pipelines in Iraq...