Professional Equipment for Serious Detectorists!


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The Idaho Gamble Part 2

Legislation and Regulation

Mexican Government Begins Mining Industry Overhaul

The Bawl Mill

Auditing the IRS

Small-scale and commercial suction gold dredges.

Improving Your Nugget Count With A Detector

Resource Maven Independent Analysis of the Resource Markets

PLP Update Downieville Gold Rush Days Is Fast Approaching!

GOLD SCREW - Process concentrates better and faster!

Finding Art in the Desert

The Rich Mining History of Two Mother-Load Towns

Explosives Outlook 2023

Serving Professional and Recreational Prospectors since 1979

First Gold

The Idaho Gamble Part 3

Legislation and Regulation

Victory for Property Rights

Full line of prospecting and mining equipment & supplies with NO sales tax!

The Bawl Mill

Locating Intrusions in Host

Resource Maven Independent Analysis of the Resource Markets

Get the pitch correct on your sluice box!

PLP Update

Fight for Public Lands in the Eagle Mountains of the Mojave Desert

Naked Gun And Two-Gun Pete

News from the Historic Rand Mining district in Southern California


The Quest For Yankee Jim's Gold

How to Rebuild a Rock Drill


Precious Metals Recovery plants and equipment
Fighting to keep public lands open to the public
Specializing in the processing of precious metal ores!
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