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PLP Update

Suction Dredging is Back in Most of California!

Blast from the Past—The Source of Gold Mines Cranks up for Business Men

There is no headframe, no dark tunnels, no ore cars and no visible gold but Sonora Mining Corp. is mining the precious yellow metal...

Resource Maven—Independent Analysis of the Resource Markets

There is a great debate raging in the metals comment-sphere: it is time to buy???

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Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral and Metal Prices

Over the Divide: Retta Atkins & Darren VanHouten

The Bawl Mill

GOLD SCREW - Process concentrates better and faster!

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Extremist groups are at it again
• No more sales tax on precious metals in Tennessee

Ask The Experts - Micron gold: how much to equal an ounce?

Ask The Experts - How do I properly denote a mining claim? Can I use GPS coordinates?

The most sensitive gold probe available!

The Forms of Crystalline Gold

The largest and most perfect single gold crystals are nearly always in the form of octahedra. These large octahedral crystals often possess deeply recessed faces.

The History of Mining Claims

Congress decided that if they shared the riches of our lands with the people, we would colonize and expand the states at a much faster pace, thus the birth of public lands and mining claims in America.

Evolution Of A Desert Wash Plant

The water instantly dropped though the screen, leaving a pile of mud behind! I was so excited that I replaced it with a 150-mesh screen, and the same thing happened!

Charles P. Watson, Chief Geologist

Gleaning for Gold

It couldn’t possibly be a bullet or other trash this deep into the hill. No sir, it was a solid zip-zip signal that I know so well.

PLP Update

The intent is to rein in abuses by rogue agents of the Forest Service who have an anti-mining agenda whereby a miner can get a bad federal agent fired.

Making the Jump to Electronic Prospecting

After pinpointing and recovery, he had his first nugget of channel gold in his hand. This was also his first nugget with the new detector.

Buy direct and save $$!

The Info Is Out There

While I don’t know the exact date of the map, I know it would have been in the late 1800s, as that was when the pioneers made early gold discoveries in this area.

Gold: Is It Everywhere?

Gold, on the other hand, is super rare, and is one of the rarest elements in the earth’s crust. It averages only 0.000004 percent of the earth’s surface. That is four parts in a billion.

Blast From The Past: Gold of the Common Man

America’s gold coinage began modestly, but enriched by the 1849 Gold Rush, the U.S. accelerated the program and from 1850 to 1932 produced, with several design changes…


Thieves Make Off with Tons of Gold & Silver Ore

According to local press reports, about ten armed thieves forced their way into a private freight dispatch yard near the port, subdued employees, and then took several hours to search for the shipping containers…

Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices


Precious Metals Recovery plants and equipment
Fighting to keep public lands open to the public
Specializing in the processing of precious metal ores!
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