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The Assay of High Iron Gold Ores
November 2000 by Bill Beckman
By employing this technique, one can use a larger sample size without having to resort to large crucibles and massive amounts of flux.Gold Prospecting for Better or Worse: Dum-Dum Dodges a Boom-Boom
He could tell that the top part just slid partway down over the bottom half. So, he tried to twist it apart with his hands. No go!
Hands-on at Iowa Hill
A number of crevices were still waiting to be cleaned out. A lot of the gold remaining in the pit was very fine sized, but a few small nuggets were also recovered.
Legislative and Regulatory Update AB 1032—Where Do We Go From Here?
• First, The Great News...
• What's Next?
Internet Scams
It starts out innocently enough…
Search Called Off for Missing Treasure Hunters
Treasure hunters have been looking for the Lost Dutchman mine for more than a century.
Ask The Experts - Is the amount of gold reserves claimed by mining companies real or just hype?
Trash! A Hindrance Or Hot Spot For Hidden Gold?
I love it when I am in the middle of a high trash area and all the ferrous bars go away, the screen number goes to a three or an eight, and the meter is forty to a hundred. I don’t know for sure that I have found gold, but it narrows the odds down.
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