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Residual, Lateritic and Gossan "Soils" as Potential Nuggetshooting Sites

Nearly everyone who has drywashed or metal detected for placer gold within hardrock gold-mining areas is aware of "residual placers" (a.k.a. seam diggin's)...

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It's Not Always El Dorado

This was “pocket” country. All around were “pockets” that had been hand dug by old and new miners.

Higher Copper Price Brings Hope, Jobs

Buoyed by higher copper prices, Chino Mines is reopening its ore concentrator and hiring workers.

Ask The Experts - Chlorine bleach and vinegar makes a deadly combination

Think You Got It All? Guess Again!

think you got it all. guess again.

Is your gold recovery actually 95%, 90%, or even a really poor 50%? If you are not testing to know what it really is, you just don’t know. Some do regular testing, but most do not.

Melman on Gold & Silver

Anyone who thinks that investing in, or writing about junior mining shares is easy hasn’t lived through the last month! What we have seen is a virtually endless parade of dynamic and frequently contradictory events. Here are just a few that have occurred in the past thirty days.

Our Readers Say

• "I would like to be included..."
• "No claim in the world can be economically exploited without mechanical means."

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Look for less federal government land acquisitions in the new budget
• Valley fill ruling overturned
• Two species rejected for listing under ESA
• New Mexico and Montana consider legislation to encourage mining
• Mining, lumber groups seek to eliminate funds for university program
• Backfilling required for new mines in California
• Nevada Congressman named vice chairman of Resources
• Idaho gets deadline extended for bull trout comments
• Murkowski Calls for Resource Assessment on State and Federal Lands
• Comments needed regarding proposal to lock up huge tracts of public land in California

Subscription Required:
The Bawl Mill   • Our Readers Say   • Enrichment of Gold Veins   • The Assay of High Iron Gold Ores   • The Patch   • History of Mining—Bradshaw Mountains, AZ (Part I)   • Picks & Pans—The Green Rock, Rattlesnakes, Good Gold and Ruth's Mine   • The Oretron   • Silver Hill, North Carolina   • Hardrock in Downieville   • Looking Back   • Company Notes   • Gold in Northern Baja California   • California State Gold Panning Championship Results   • Melman on Gold & Silver   • V.P. Contender Addresses Mining Show

Legislative and Regulatory Update


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