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What's In A Name?

The names attached to these areas came about from many sources. Many are easy to see why the name was given while others had a more contrasting note to them.

The Ocampo District, Chihuahua

The village of Ocampo is wedged in a canyon about 178 miles, by Mexican Highway 16, west of the city of Chihuahua. It is a few miles west of Basaseachic Falls, and a few miles south of Highway 16, in high chaparral at an elevation of 6,500 feet. The completion of Highway 16 across the Sierra Madre Occidental greatly improved access to the region...

What's All This Talk About Mining Districts?

The main problem with the current scheme is that regulatory agencies often consult with you, then disregard your concerns and do what they want anyway.

Brits Thwart Robbery of Gold and Cash

Armed officers arrested seven men near Heathrow Airport after they had overpowered staff at a warehouse holding £80 million ($236 million) in gold and cash and began loading gold into the back of a van.

Gold Deposits in Skarn

Skarn consists of coarse-grained calcium, magnesium, iron, and aluminum silicates formed by hydrothermal solutions, which replace limestone or dolomite near the contact with an igneous intrusion. The contact metamorphism is usually caused by an intrusion such as quartz monzonite, granodiorite, or similar rock type, which may or may not be mineralized.

Montana Candidate Sees Natural Resources as Path to Recovery

The key to returning Montana’s economy to its glory days is to remove the laws that prevent development of the state’s natural resources, says Thomas Keating, the only Republican who has declared himself a candidate for governor.

Mongolia Tax May Chase Off Investment

The gold and copper deposits at Oyu Tolgoi, or “Turquoise Hill,” are among the largest ever found and could give impoverished Mongolia its biggest boost since it abandoned communism 15 years ago—if the Mongolians can figure out how to profit from it.

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