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Lucky Shot Mine and the Willow Creek Plutons

Once a thriving mining community, the town of Lucky Shot, Alaska,  also known as Kellyville, is nowhere to be found today. Buildings were either hauled away or burned. The snow loads of the Talkeetna Mountains crushed some of...

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Legislative and Regulatory Update

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Industry Urges Restraint on Mining Reforms

Wyoming mining interests say the federal government doesn't need tougher environmental cleanup rules governing mineral extraction from public lands.

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"...around forever..."
"A decision I never regretted."

Montana Mining Association Raising Cash

The Montana Mining Association is trying to raise more than $150,000 to pay lawyers to continue the battle to overturn Initiative 137, the 1998 ballot issue that banned cyanide processing at most new or expanded gold mines.

Balmoral Resources

One of the oldest sayings in the mining exploration world is that if you are going to search for a new mine, one of the best places to look is near an existing, proven property.

High Court to Rule on Kensington Tailings

A case before the Supreme Court could set a precedent for how mining waste is disposed of in streams, rivers, lakes and even wetlands.

Our Readers Say

• "No small mining operation can afford this..."
"The small arrastra still lives... "
" effective defense against Green political efforts to lock the public off public lands."

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Legislative and Regulatory Update


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