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The Jenkins Mine Project Pt III -- Site Selection

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Newmont's Gold Quarry Mine

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Residual Placers: An Often Overlooked Gold Source

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Benefits of a Detecting Partner

“Metal detecting is not a social function.” So said a good friend of mine. And it’s true. But that’s not to say the benefits of having a prospecting partner don’t outweigh those of being alone.

Company Notes

• Pacific Gold
• Barrick Gold
• Wheaton River Minerals
• Goldcorp
• Kinross Gold
• Canadian Arrow Mines

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The Bawl Mill   • Ask the Experts — What are Washington state prospecting regulations?   • Ask The Experts — Could you please write an article explaining core samples?   • Ask The Experts — Please tell me more about the Tullock II rule.   • Prospecting on Pickering Bar   • Persistence Pays off for Cusac Gold Mines   • Internet Posting Fuels Gold Rush in Brazilian Town   • Mining Stocks—Things to Consider Before You Invest   • North Idaho Mine to Open Again in 2008   • Working Life of Troy Mine Could Be Extended   • Lucky Shot Mine and the Willow Creek Plutons   • Sampling Mineral Deposits   • In Pursuit of Gold and Silver in the Sierra Madres—Purchasing Land in Mexico   • Swiss Mining Company Demands Compensation From Bolivia   • Canadian Mint to Unveil $1 Million Coin   • Woman Gets 90 Months in Mining Fraud Case   • Looking Back   • Melman on Gold & Silver

Legislative and Regulatory Update


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