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Canadian Mint to Unveil $1 Million Coin

The Royal Canadian Mint will soon unveil a gold coin worth one million Canadian dollars ($850,000 US).

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My Old Carbide Lamp

All I can say about my carbide lamp is, "I'm glad those days are gone." The carbide lamps were a great improvement over the wax candles, but they had their short-comings also.

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Picks & Pans: Gold Mining on Joie Osgood Ranch

Butte County, California—On January 29, 1978, Peter and I received permission from Joie Osgood to pan and look for gold on her property. The 3800 acre property was located about four miles northeast of Honcut, Butte County, California.

Administration Offers Up Conflicting Goals and Executive Orders

To reach this goal, our federal government would need to designate another 45.7 million acres as protected lands every year.

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Evolution Of A Gold Prospect

The adage of, “The harder I work, the luckier I get,” has profound meaning, but it doesn’t always apply to prospecting.

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