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Government Appeals Miner Injury Case to Supreme Court

The Supreme Court said it will consider whether two miners may sue federal officials for personal injuries following a roof collapse at a copper mine that left them paralyzed.

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Q: Graphite spray to prevent sticking when using cast iron molds

Fire Agate in Arizona

Agate, a banded form of chalcedony (cryptocrystalline quartz), has been used as a gemstone for over 7,000 years. Romans cut and polished agate, and this practice was taken to new heights in Germany in the 16th century.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• BLM to raise fees again
• Roadless Rule stands
• Suit filed over dredging restrictions in Washington State
• NWMA lends support
• California suction gold dredging lawsuits progressing

Melman on Gold & Silver

The year 2004 feels much like the fabled month of March, entering like a lion, remaining stormy for much of the time, but exiting like a lamb. It is almost eerie how there has been a reduction of tension throughout the investment communities, both conventional and precious metals, in the past few weeks.

Tribe Joins Idaho in Roadless Suit

The Kootenai Tribe has joined Idaho Attorney General AI Lance's suit against the U.S. Forest Service over the Clinton administration's bid to set aside millions of forested acres in the state.

Enrichment of Gold Veins

Most of the world's great gold mines are in secondary (supergene) enrichments in veins and stockwork, brought about by physical and chemical processes.

Let’s Go Crevicing for Gold

People have been looking for gold in every manner possible since the big gold boom in 1849, so what chance do we have of getting anything in today’s world where literally thousands of prospectors and fortune seekers have been before us?

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The Bawl Mill   • Our Readers Say   • Progress Report on Washington State Small-Scale Regulations   • Pediments   • Bill to Allow Mining of Coeur d'Alene Basin   • Dredging Below the Homestake   • Looking Back   • Picks & Pans: The Glory Hole   • Enthusiastic Crowds at PDAC   • Fraser Institute Survey Results Rank Best (and Worst) Mining Locales   • Synclinal Oil   • Small-Scale Prospecting & Mining (A Little History)   • Higher Zinc Price Creates Opportunity   • Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices   • Melman on Gold & Silver

Legislative and Regulatory Update


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