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Bill to Allow Mining of Coeur d'Alene Basin
April 2005 by Staff
A state House committee supported legislation sponsored by Rep. Dick Harwood that would allow state mining leases for tailings and dumps, which Idaho law currently prohibits.Additional articles that might interest you...
Detecting Strategies for Heavily Forested Areas—Part II
January 2017
Patience and persistence is the name of the game when you are detecting this way for gold, as you will have to do a lot of work preparing the ground to detect with any degree of success.
Patience and persistence is the name of the game when you are detecting this way for gold, as you will have to do a lot of work preparing the ground to detect with any degree of success.
PLP Update October 2023
October 2023
Glaciers and Placer Gold Deposits
November 2016
It also happens sometimes that glaciers will bury valuable placer deposits. This occurs when the glacier goes over the top of an existing placer deposit.
It also happens sometimes that glaciers will bury valuable placer deposits. This occurs when the glacier goes over the top of an existing placer deposit.
The Bawl Mill
December 2017
- Getting back to nature...
- When tin is more valuable than gold
Using Structural Clues to Locate Buried Placer Channels
April 2014
They must have assumed the paystreak was spotty and had been mined out, so they never mined as close to the side of the valley as they should have.
They must have assumed the paystreak was spotty and had been mined out, so they never mined as close to the side of the valley as they should have.
MMAC Update
March 2017
This will provide the opportunity to meet with many of the members of Congress in a more informal setting at several meetings, luncheons and dinners. And we have been offered the chance to meet with President Trump’s staff.
This will provide the opportunity to meet with many of the members of Congress in a more informal setting at several meetings, luncheons and dinners. And we have been offered the chance to meet with President Trump’s staff.
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The Bawl Mill
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