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Picks & Pans: The Glory Hole

I started the New Year of 1998 with great anticipation of finding that elusive vein of gold. Twice a year I planned my vacation carefully, not to miss the Fourth of July and Labor Day weekend. I wanted to be smack in the heart of the Downieville gold field.

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Gold in Quartz

Because quartz and gold may be deposited together across a considerable range of temperatures, not all quartz veins are the same, and there are several different types of gold-quartz deposits.

MMAC Update

We will be bringing the first of several bills that were requested by Congress during a previous MMAC trip and presenting maps depicting all the MMAC-assisted Mining Districts.

Successful Gold Prospecting

There are loads of new gold prospectors attracted by the current high prices, and so I thought it might be a great time to take a look at what makes some prospectors so much more successful than others.

The Basics of Crushing and Milling Operations

In processing gold, silver and other valuable ores, the minerals containing the values, such as metallic gold, silver-bearing sulfides or other minerals, must be freed from the surrounding host rock before those valuable minerals can be captured.

The King Has No Clothes

As green preservationist groups hail their King as he marches down Pennsylvania Avenue loudly proclaiming his land legacy proposals, I am reminded that it once took a child to remind a past king that he had no clothes.

Understanding Skim Bar Placers

Perhaps the most notable thing about skim placers is that they form on the top surface of gravel bars, as opposed to coarser gold placers where the weight of the gold particles allows the gold to settle down on or near bedrock.

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