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East Coast Dredger Heads West - Part I
January 2009 by David Shackleton
Prospectors east of the Mississippi have their share of gold bearing property to explore and prospect upon. There’s plenty of undiscovered gold on the bottoms of the creeks and rivers running through the eastern gold belt.Additional articles that might interest you...
Ask the Experts
May 2014
Sampling and mining a historic mining claim
Sampling and mining a historic mining claim
Detecting at the Sixteen to One Mine
December 2012
A while back I was given a very special opportunity to take my metal detector to one of the most famous gold mines in all of California, the Original Sixteen to One mine in Alleghany.
A while back I was given a very special opportunity to take my metal detector to one of the most famous gold mines in all of California, the Original Sixteen to One mine in Alleghany.
Melman on Gold & Silver
June 2013
Banking problems continue to find their way into the world’s financial media, and we note below that another nation, Slovenia, is now grabbing attention with a banking crisis of their own as well as a downgrading of their national bonds by Moody’s Investment Services.
Banking problems continue to find their way into the world’s financial media, and we note below that another nation, Slovenia, is now grabbing attention with a banking crisis of their own as well as a downgrading of their national bonds by Moody’s Investment Services.
Detecting Strategies for Heavily Forested Areas
December 2016
Looking for nugget laden bedrock in forested mountain regions, you first need to explore the banks of the gold-bearing streams and look for the bedrock that is exposed as this is your starting point.
Looking for nugget laden bedrock in forested mountain regions, you first need to explore the banks of the gold-bearing streams and look for the bedrock that is exposed as this is your starting point.
ICMJ's Annual Index
December 2013
Subscription Required:
The Bawl Mill
• A Word From the Editor
• Reading A River: Finding The Paystreaks—Part II
• Placer Gold in the Ortiz Mountains
• Miners Discuss Struggles at NWMA
• Ask The Experts—Where to Take Sulfide Ore for Processing
• Ask The Experts—Where Would The Most Gold Tend To Be In This Deposit?
• Growing Pains of the Learning Curve
• Stillwater At Half Speed
• Elko County Has Highest State Median Income
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
• Pebble Deposit Reveals Mineral Potential