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Gold in Iceland?

Normally, one does not look at volcanic islands in a search for gold. However, rich gold deposits have been found in or near volcanoes at Lihir and Misima Islands near New Guinea, so one cannot dismiss gold opportunities on volcanic islands. All of Iceland is of volcanic origin, with acidic volcanic rocks like rhyolite and granophyre being present at a few localities.

How to Turn Your Gold Finds Into Cash

Even if you are not ready to cash in right now, it might be good to evaluate your options and make a plan of action so when that day comes you know exactly what to do.

Melman on Gold & Silver

By the time you receive this issue of ICMJ, the November election will be only a few weeks away, and the campaign is finally heating up. Quite surprisingly, Vice President Gore has taken the lead in recent polls from the early front-runner, George "Dubya" Bush.

California: The Land of Big Nuggets—Part I

The nugget sat there in plain sight, though it was covered in dirt, while hundreds of people had passed that way every day.

ICMJ's 13th Annual Photo Contest

Once again we'd like to thank the many participants in our annual photo contest.  Picking our favorite ten photos is never an easy task, as there were so many great photos from which to choose.

Junior Miners and Investors Gather in Canada

Two landmark golden gatherings took place in Vancouver, British Columbia near the end of January, and while they both related to the world of gold, they each had a completely different emphasis.

Two Men Claim Discovery of Nazi Treasure Train

Historians say the existence of the train has never been conclusively proven, but authorities are not passing up this chance at possibly recovering treasures that locals and the government have sought for 70 years.

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The Bawl Mill   • A Word From the Editor   • Reading A River: Finding The Paystreaks—Part II   • Placer Gold in the Ortiz Mountains   • Miners Discuss Struggles at NWMA   • Ask The Experts—Where to Take Sulfide Ore for Processing   • Ask The Experts—Where Would The Most Gold Tend To Be In This Deposit?   • East Coast Dredger Heads West - Part I   • Growing Pains of the Learning Curve   • Stillwater At Half Speed   • Elko County Has Highest State Median Income   • Melman on Gold & Silver   • Pebble Deposit Reveals Mineral Potential

Legislative and Regulatory Update


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