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Another Uranium Boom in the West
October 2006 by Associated Press
The last US uranium mill ever built, in this parched landscape near Lake Powell, shut down quickly after it started operating as nuclear power fell into disfavor about two decades ago.Additional articles that might interest you...
Arizona's Border Silver Camps
July 2001
Not much has changed along the original stage road that runs easterly from an old schoolhouse northeast of Nogales into the Patagonia Mountains of southern Arizona. Marked on the maps as Duquesne Road, the route has been in use for over 130 years, climbing from the hot desert floor to an almost 6,000-foot elevation pass before dropping back down the eastern slope of the mountains to reach the old mining camps of Washington, Duquesne, and Lochiel.
Not much has changed along the original stage road that runs easterly from an old schoolhouse northeast of Nogales into the Patagonia Mountains of southern Arizona. Marked on the maps as Duquesne Road, the route has been in use for over 130 years, climbing from the hot desert floor to an almost 6,000-foot elevation pass before dropping back down the eastern slope of the mountains to reach the old mining camps of Washington, Duquesne, and Lochiel.
Picks & Pans: Treasure Hawk Mine—Cutthroat Mining Corporation
August 2000
The Treasure Hawk mine was operated by "Crazy Eddie" Bounsall from 1972 until 1988. He died in 1994, and I purchased the Treasure Hawk claims from his wife Betty in 1996.
The Treasure Hawk mine was operated by "Crazy Eddie" Bounsall from 1972 until 1988. He died in 1994, and I purchased the Treasure Hawk claims from his wife Betty in 1996.
Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
December 2002
Gold in Rotten Rock
February 2004
Rotten rock (saprolite) can be found in all warm, humid regions, but is best developed in humid, subtropical climates, like that found in the American South. Outwardly, it looks like bedrock, but upon closer inspection, it can be seen that roots penetrate it and that it can be worked with a shovel or hydraulic monitor.
Rotten rock (saprolite) can be found in all warm, humid regions, but is best developed in humid, subtropical climates, like that found in the American South. Outwardly, it looks like bedrock, but upon closer inspection, it can be seen that roots penetrate it and that it can be worked with a shovel or hydraulic monitor.
The Bawl Mill
July 2015
• No experience needed
• A false sense of security
• No experience needed
• A false sense of security
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The Bawl Mill
• The Plumas Eureka District
• California State Gold Panning Championships
• Mergers Continue at Record Pace
• The Yukon-Klonkide Goldfields—Part II
• Foreign Investment Hits More Roadblocks
• The Treasure Detective—Part IV The Story of Goldstone Nuggets
• Court: Kennecott Eagle Minerals Application Complete
• Remote Mining Camps of Yuma County
• The Robin Redbreast Lode
• Final Buckhorn Mountain Study Released
• Melman on Gold & Silver