May 2006 (Vol. 75, No. 9) $3.25
Legislative and Regulatory Update
• Original Sixteen to One cleared
• Another court case settled -
Basic Geology for the Independent Miner—Part V Geology of Hardrock Gold Deposits
In this installment we will finish up our discussion of how primary hardrock gold deposits form. Understanding how rock alteration works can lead to some good ideas for exploring around old mining districts. -
Orko Silver Corp.
Perhaps the greatest single impression a visitor to the interior of Mexico is left with is the grinding poverty of the countryside. While there are pockets of apparent prosperity, most of the citizens appear to live in conditions of poor... -
Miners Win Again in SREP vs. USFS
It’s been three years since the Siskiyou Regional Education Project (SREP) filed a lawsuit against the Siskiyou National Forest (SNF) in an attempt to require a Plan of Operation and financial guarantee (bond) for all mining located in Riparian Reserves (in or near water). -
The Willow Creek-Hatcher Pass Alaskan Goldfields
Having spent 33 years prospecting off and on in this area, this writer has become very familiar with the region, its mines, the gold (hardrock and placer), wildlife, weather, topography, and history—it has been a friend to me. -
Metal Detecting for Gold Within Andesite and Basaltic Volcanic Mining Districts
Andesites and basalts are the most common volcanic rocks in the North American Cordillera. The andesites originated within the earth’s continental crust, while the basalts originated within the mantle. According to the Plate Tectonic theory... -
How to Prospect for Silver Field Tests You Can Use to Detect the Hidden Metal
Don’t bother eyeballing that rock for silver! Even if it’s high grade you’ll not see the familiar dime or quarter coin color. Native silver is almost as rare as brass ore. Well, if it’s so hard to find, is silver worth looking for? You bet! Just check the latest prices—and they may go higher. -
Identifying the Noble Metals Simple Tests That Work
Using a porcelain evaporating dish, place concentrates or head ore, equal to a tablespoon, in 60cc of aqua regia. Boil almost to dry, then add 10cc HCl (hydrochloric or muratic acid) and heat for a few minutes, and then add 30cc of water and bring to boil. Let cool while the solids are being allowed to settle. Using a pipette... -
Melman on Gold & Silver
If there was one theme underlying many of last month’s headlines, it was millions of people on the march. Throughout France, students, union leaders and run-of-the-mill rioters created havoc as millions marched to protest a new law that would give employers the right to dismiss unsatisfactory youthful employees during their first two years of service.