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Orko Silver Corp.
May 2006 by Leonard Melman
Perhaps the greatest single impression a visitor to the interior of Mexico is left with is the grinding poverty of the countryside. While there are pockets of apparent prosperity, most of the citizens appear to live in conditions of poor...Bella's Birthday Nugget
...under Oakie Jim’s leadership, Lunker Hill was to become a textbook operation of using handheld very low frequency (VLF) and pulse induction (PI) metal detectors to recover placer gold...
Ask the Experts: More suggestions for dealing with metallic trash....
Q: Thanks for the great article in the recent ICMJ [“Metallic Trash—Scourge of the Prospector,” July 2012]...
Mining on the Comstock Lode
Even with the decades of mining and exploration, much of the Comstock is still underdeveloped and its potential not fully tapped.
Molybdenum, referred to as “molly” by miners, is a white metal that is alloyed with iron to form hard, tough and strong steel. It was first used in World War I for armor plate on ships. Nowadays, molybdenum is routinely used to harden structural and tool steel, and to reduce corrosion.
Gold Prospecting for Better or Worse: Doomed from the Start
The dredge and our gear, with us clinging on to the sides, bounced along until it got hung up on a large boulder in the middle of the river.
What To Look For—And Look Out For—In A Placer Mineral Report
Buying a placer claim or investing in a placer mining property comes with plenty of financial risks. You need as much information as possible about the mineral deposit in order to minimize those risks.
Legislative and Regulatory Update
• Endangered Species Act reform
• Extremist groups blamed for catastrophic wildfires
• EPA revisists TMDL
• National Heritage Act seeks to take control of lands away from local government
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The Bawl Mill
• Basic Geology for the Independent Miner—Part V Geology of Hardrock Gold Deposits
• Miners Win Again in SREP vs. USFS
• The Willow Creek-Hatcher Pass Alaskan Goldfields
• Metal Detecting for Gold Within Andesite and Basaltic Volcanic Mining Districts
• How to Prospect for Silver Field Tests You Can Use to Detect the Hidden Metal
• Identifying the Noble Metals Simple Tests That Work
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices