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Melman on Gold & Silver
May 2006 by Leonard Melman
If there was one theme underlying many of last month’s headlines, it was millions of people on the march. Throughout France, students, union leaders and run-of-the-mill rioters created havoc as millions marched to protest a new law that would give employers the right to dismiss unsatisfactory youthful employees during their first two years of service.The Bawl Mill
• The "2 Million Dollar Man"
• A record worth breaking
• By the numbers...
Placers Directly Associated with Lode Deposits
Placers that are directly associated with lode deposits are sometimes overlooked and may have good potential for those who are willing to search for them.
The Goldfield Mining District, Nevada—Part I
An example of some of this extraordinary ore was a lot of about four tons from the Florence mine during the last days of a lease that averaged over 300 ounces of gold per ton.
Huge Nugget To Be Auctioned
A 56-pound (25-kilogram) nugget belonging to an Australian prospector is 80 percent to 90 percent high-purity gold, University of Southern California scientists confirmed recently.
Melman on Gold & Silver
Occurrences such as these have proven, time and time again, that gold possesses the attribute of maintaining significant value over time, something that cannot be said of unbacked, fiat paper money where every such issuance has eventually deteriorated throughout history into virtual worthlessness.
Benefits of a Detecting Partner
“Metal detecting is not a social function.” So said a good friend of mine. And it’s true. But that’s not to say the benefits of having a prospecting partner don’t outweigh those of being alone.
Where Should I Start?
Digging in the right spots will produce excellent results, like this group of nuggets taken by the author while metal detecting during the last few months. The biggest nugget is over an ounce.
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The Bawl Mill
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• The Willow Creek-Hatcher Pass Alaskan Goldfields
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