June 2017 (Vol. 86. No. 10) $3.75
The Bawl Mill
- Sun continues to set on solar
- Obamacare ailing
Legislative and Regulatory Update
- Welcome changes in Washington, DC
- Giving power back to the people
Ask The Experts: What indicator rocks should I be looking for in northern Nevada?
Q: Can you tell us what the indicator rocks are? I’ve looked at the nearby digs and pushes that were made for gold and it looks like we’re digging on some similar material...
Ask The Experts: What to do with scheelite
Q: What can be done with scheelite? Why does the ICMJ never list tungsten in the metals prices?
Ask The Experts: Small-scale drilling
Q: What is available to a small prospector? How does one prospect (drill) into the walls of an old hard rock mine to see what is 10 feet beyond...
Quartzsite Gives Up Some Big Gold
There is always an overwhelming feeling when finding gold of any size, but one like this doesn’t come along very often.
Prospecting After Winter Storms
So, how much rain does it take to cause a major movement of gravels in a stream and redistribute the gold? The technical answer is enough water to move the bed load of the river.
How to Stake Your Own Claim—Researching Mining Claims
Once you have determined that the land is locatable, the next step in the claim research process is to determine if the land has already been claimed by a previous locator.
The Birthday Nugget Patch
Down around 10 or 12 inches I hit a large cobble that appeared to be one type of hot rock for this area. I thought bad things about the new technology until I checked the rock.
MMAC Update
In May 2017, the district participated in a meeting with representatives from several state and federal agencies where they educated agency officials about the authority of Mining Districts, Mining Law and miner’s rights.
The Goldfield Mining District, Nevada—Part I
An example of some of this extraordinary ore was a lot of about four tons from the Florence mine during the last days of a lease that averaged over 300 ounces of gold per ton.
Volume is the Key to Success
While recovery rates are important, they must necessarily be secondary to the volume of material processed. Running more material at lower recovery rates is generally preferable to increasing the efficiency of the system.
Getting Started
He excitedly told me he was going mining and wanted to know where he should go, how to do it, and so on. After he calmed down, I got excited. “I need to go!” was my response.
Melman on Gold & Silver
Anyone seeking evidence that the standard leftist/socialist dogma may not work well need look no further than two western hemisphere governments, Venezuela and Puerto Rico, as both are now being wracked by financial and social upheavals.