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Picks & Pans: Crevicing & Sniping for Placer Gold

Even though there has recently been a decline in the prices for most of the precious metals, an increasing number of amateur prospectors are still finding that prospecting for precious metals is an exciting, enjoyable, and sometimes profitable occupation.

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The Tombstone Silver-Lead District, Arizona

In 1877, a prospector named Ed Schieffelin discovered silver in “the middle of nowhere” and staked two claims: “Tumbstone” and “Graveyard.” Soon a town and mining district were organized and acquired the name “Tombstone” after making a spelling correction.

Gold Prospecting for Better or Worse: Bumbling Through A Gold Bonanza

On about the fifth time across one of these slopes, and down near the little wash...bam! I found a nice chunk of rock, laced through with gold. Wow! How had I missed this?

The Bawl Mill

• Some of us probably recall the saying "the fly in the ointment."...
• "You must be morons to send me this letter!"
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Jim Madden's Gold

Maybe we could find a few pieces of ore from that tunnel? It was worth a try. The old timers didn’t have that stamp mill for looks, so we set off to get some samples.

Our Readers Say

This is in response to Norbert Beckstrom’s letter in the November issue of the ICMJ. He wrote in reference to a letter by Jerry Hobbs in the October issue. If anyone opened up a can of worms, it is Mr. Beckstrom.

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