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Desert Phone Trashed
December 1999 by Associated Press
The once very lonely phone booth in the Mojave desert 75 miles southwest of Las Vegas, reported on in last month's ICMJ and media throughout the world, became a media darling...A Few Methods for Sampling Hardrock Deposits
With a little homework and a methodical approach to sampling, a prospector can determine if a deposit is worthy of more of an investment...
MMAC & PLP Update
…what I’d like to focus on in this update is the assistance they provided to a suction gold dredger in Idaho being harassed by an environmental group.
Tons of Gold Buried Under World Trade Center
Some 11.8 metric tons of gold worth an estimated $110 million, and 30.2 million ounces of silver valued at $121 million, are buried in the rubble below one of the collapsed buildings in the World Trade Center, The New York Times report
Dry Placers in the Kamma Mountains, Nevada
There are dry placer gold deposits in every county in Nevada, some of which are yet to be discovered.
A Data Miner Builds A Power Sluice
Data mining involves processing huge amounts of digital information to find hidden patterns and financial relationships. To executives, the findings are like gold, but on the weekends, I prefer seeing the real thing in the bottom of my pan.
Aussie Gold
This is the first of a series of articles outlining prospecting in Australia for the visiting small prospector or miner. Whether you are just coming out for a holiday, stopping for a few months, or moving here permanently...
The Paragenesis of Gold & Silver Deposits
…if you are game for digging in and learning more about the intricate details of how gold deposits form, then let’s jump right in.
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The Bawl Mill
• Over the Divide
• Our Readers Say
• ICMJ Elected Prospecting Magazine of 1999
• Advertising Manager Leaving ICMJ
• Guest Editorial—California "Special" Dredge Permits in Jeopardy
• The Search Continues
• Guest Editorial: U.S. Government—Like Nobody's Business
• Circulation and Collections Manager Leaving ICMJ
• Company Notes
• House Chair Requests Records on Forest Decision
• BLM Wants to Withdraw South Pass Public Land
• Silverton Preserving Lofty Symbol of Mining Era
• Hijackers Make Off With 660 Pounds of Gold
• Prospecting With a Magnetometer
• 1999 Tables of Content
• Lighting the Way Underground 1860-1940s
• Millie's Tailings
• Picks & Pans: Crevicing & Sniping for Placer Gold
• Looking Back
• Gold in Sonora
• Forest Service Boss Quits in Bull Trout Flap
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• European Gold Miners Seek Clarification Letter
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
• Squeezing Diamond Into Graphite
Legislative Update