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Permit Appears Likely for Rock Creek Mine

The final environmental review for a proposed mine beneath the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness appears, after 14 years, to favor allowing the hotly disputed mine to proceed.

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When hunting for nuggets does not yield any gold for a couple days, it can get pretty frustrating. But it turns into serious mental anguish when it stretches into weeks or months.

Quartzsite Gives Up Some Big Gold

There is always an overwhelming feeling when finding gold of any size, but one like this doesn’t come along very often.

Landowners See Potential Gold Mine in Uranium Ore

A group of Pittsylvania County landowners sitting on 92 million pounds of uranium ore wants Virginia to end its 25-year ban on uranium mining.

Exploration, Development and Taxes

Further demonstrating the importance of seeking professional assistance and advice are the tax rules governing the expenses of a mining company. The tax treatment of mine exploration and mine development costs is confusing, complex and often overlooked or ignored—except by the ever-vigilant Internal Revenue Service.

Grandfather John's Notes

In June 1997, a story I wrote was printed in the Journal titled, “His Name Was John.” Occasionally Grandfather John jotted down notes about his life in America and in the mines. He planned to give these mementos to his sons. The only time he wrote home was to let his wife know when he was booking a trip back to Italy. He sent whatever money he could from his pay in the Argonaut and Kennedy mines in Jackson, California. Mailing letters was expensive, as was everything else.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• Senators object to “Build Back Better” royalty provision
• Biden reverses Utah monument reductions
• Eco-terrorist confirmed

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Legislative and Regulatory Update


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