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Melman on Gold & Silver
October 2001 by Leonard Melman
Deadlines are something we must live with at ICMJ as with any other publication, and as this columnist’s deadline approached early Tuesday morning of September 11, I turned on the financial channel to get some last pre-market commentary before completing this month’s column. What I saw was virtually beyond belief. A jetliner had just crashed into one of the two towers of the World Trade Center...Melman on Gold & Silver
Investors around the world are taking a good hard look at some of the emerging developments regarding dollar creation and are clearly having second thoughts about their dollar-denominated investments.
Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
Mining Restrictions Lifted in Southwest Alaska
Mining restrictions will be lifted on about 1 million acres of federal land in southwest Alaska, officials have announced.
Gold Placers in Italy
Gold is a fairly widespread mineral in the Italian Alps and in the Northern Apennines. It is found both in primary mineralization and in past and recent floods.
Washington Gold Miners Receive Ecology Award
Representatives from Washington State’s independent, small-scale gold mining community recently accepted an award and a message of gratitude from the leader of the State’s Department of Ecology.
Wilfley Tables—Repair, Rebuild & Set Up
I researched the Internet and found a number of table makers, but technology has changed in the last 25 years. No one could sell me a kit for a new deck with wooden riffles...
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• Our Readers Say:
• Placer & Lode Gold Deposits
• Spanish Silver in Arizona
• Hog Mountain Mining, Past and Future
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• Gold in Texas
• The Goldhill Mining District
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• Discoloring Assay Beads
• Tons of Gold Buried Under World Trade Center
• Gold Rush Ship Uncovered in San Francisco
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices
• The Financial Repercussions of the WTC Tragedy
• Permit Appears Likely for Rock Creek Mine