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January 2002 by Staff
• "Thank you..."• "...dredges under 8" need not be regulated"
Our Readers Say
Re: “Wasteful Government Projects”
Gold Placers of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
The biggest obstacle is that like many streams on the Kenai Peninsula, high water during the summer months from snow melt and rain can make dredging nearly impossible. The best dredging is in the colder months of the year.
Delamar District, Nevada
The Delamar (Ferguson) mining district is located in Lincoln County, Nevada, some 29 miles by road, southwest of Caliente. The district is on the west side of the Delamar Mountains at elevations between 5,900 and 6,600 feet.
The Bawl Mill
• House makes another withdrawl from your account
• Pot calling the kettle...
• A meal worth supersizing
PLP To Address Needs Of Small Miners With Proposed Amendment
The Senator’s office was very receptive to the small miner’s plight and was unaware of the dire problems created by the over-regulation of small-scale mining from so many different fronts. It was pointed out that S 145 may help the large mining companies a little, but falls woefully short in addressing the needs of small operators who make up 85% of domestic mines.
Melman on Gold & Silver
A matter of some serious concern has developed in the relationship between the prices for gold and silver and the performance of mining share averages.
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The Bawl Mill
• NMFS Official Admits Bogus ESA Analyses
• Glacial Gold in Ohio
• Administration Officials Pledge to Work Closely With Miners
• The Fort Knox Mine—1,200 Ounces a Day
• Picks & Pans: Diamond Hunting in Wyoming
• Aussie Gold—A Look at New South Wales
• The Green Land-Grabbers: It's Not Just the Feds Who Are After Your Land
• ICMJ's 11th Annual Photo Contest Results
• A Rich Gold Strike at Scossa
• Company Notes
• 3809 Drawing Winners
• Melman on Gold & Silver
• Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices