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Legislation & Regulation

Legislative and Regulatory Update

  • EPA declines to impose additional regulations and financial requirements on hardrock miners
  • “Baffling” ruling in suction gold dredging court case

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Legislation and Regulation

Amendment to Deny Funding of BLM Land-Grab

Legislative and Regulatory Update

  • Comments needed regarding proposed NEPA improvements
  • Efforts underway to fix the ESA

Legislative and Regulatory Update

  • Oregon miners petition US Supreme Court in Bohmker v. Oregon
  • Wheeler receives hearing as EPA administrator

MMAC Update

We spent our evening at some informal get-togethers at two private residences in the DC area, which provided the opportunity to talk with staff members from Congress, other agencies, and a few consultants working on public land issues. We found common ground with many of them, and found a strong ally in a former Congressman turned consultant who agreed that Mining Districts provide the smartest legal route...

Miners Fight Back Against Road Closures

In the meeting, we presented Ms. Skalski with the various court cases from the 9th Circuit Court on these settled law cases and she was mortified.

MMAC & PLP Update

…what I’d like to focus on in this update is the assistance they provided to a suction gold dredger in Idaho being harassed by an environmental group.

New Mexico Reaches $32M Settlement Over 2015 Gold King Mine Spill

The New Mexico settlement marks just the latest reached over the past year. Colorado and the Navajo Nation also have inked multimillion-dollar agreements…

Subscription Required:
The Bawl Mill   • California: The Land of Big Nuggets—Part II   • How to Interpret Assay Values   • Bedrock Nugget Hunting: Tools of the Trade   • A Primer on Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies   • Gold Hunting on Libby Creek   • PLP and MMAC Update   • Man's Best Friend   • An Interview with Minelab Engineer Mark Lawrie   • Third Largest Nugget in Existence Returns to Dallas   • Melman on Gold & Silver   • Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices



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