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Legislation & Regulation

Legislation and Regulation

© ICMJ's Prospecting and Mining Journal, CMJ Inc.
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Legislative And Regulatory Update

• Republican bill would reopen Grand Canyon withdrawal
• Obama recommends additional fees and taxes on miners

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• BLM to raise fees again
• Roadless Rule stands
• Suit filed over dredging restrictions in Washington State
• NWMA lends support
• California suction gold dredging lawsuits progressing

MMAC & PLP Update

…what I’d like to focus on in this update is the assistance they provided to a suction gold dredger in Idaho being harassed by an environmental group.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• US Supreme Court may consider requirements for Notitce of Intent
• Oregon considering mining restrictions
• Latest developments in California suction dredging moratorium
• Spotted owl habitat

Direct and Constructive Notice

It's a proven civil remedy to put an end to harassment by notifying a person who is either overstepping their authority, or failing to act as required, that they will be sued personally for an act or omission.

Legislative and Regulatory Update

• BLM claim fees rise
• Critical minerals bill
• Sage-grouse habitat

Colorado Mining Association Appeals Roadless Ruling

The Colorado Mining Association is asking the US Supreme Court to review a 2001 rule that largely barred new roads on 58 million acres of roadless areas in national forests.

Subscription Required:
The Idaho Gamble Part IV   • How to Rebuild a Rock Drill   • The Quest For Yankee Jim's Gold   • News from the Historic Rand Mining district in Southern California   • Naked Gun And Two-Gun Pete   • Resource Maven Independent Analysis of the Resource Markets   • Locating Intrusions in Host

The Bawl Mill   • PLP Update


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