Professional Equipment for Serious Detectorists!


Prospecting & Detecting

Gully Prospecting and Mining

This article is about our recent gold prospecting adventure, which has yielded over 20 ounces of specimen gold—with more to come.

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Fault Zones and Prospects

As we walked back we were just reaching the point of where the faulting should be and there, covered with deep grass, was very faint evidence of an old road going up the mountainside! What was that old road doing there?

Blackberries and Gold

There were iron stains all over and even a few places where I could see iron trash sticking out of the bedrock. These would be ideal spots to start with as the gold travels with the iron and lead.

Following Clues to an Old Mill and Vein Strike

My last update on this adventure was in the April 2012 issue and involved our search for the northern extension of the Cedarberg Mine. At that time we had found it and we were in the process of returning for some detecting when Mother Nature struck with a late rain and snow storm.

Sunshine and Gold

His eyes were gleaming and he was smiling as he dropped his first piece of gold into my hand. It was a small, earring-size nugget, and he had found it almost immediately.

My Great Nevada Adventure

…with renewed determination and a belief in success, I did finally find a nugget. It was there waiting under a bush not 50 feet from my truck.

Southern Oregon's Illinois River—A Lesson in Sharing

Our theory was that a dredge would collect far more material in a shorter period of time, leaving us with ounces of gold every day.

Pros and Cons of Big Detector Coils

Years later I returned with a new detector with a smaller coil and detector technology more sensitive to smaller nuggets. I found my first nugget within five minutes. I had a second five minutes after that.

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The Bawl Mill   • Ask the Experts   • Ask the Experts   • Taking on the EPA, Sasquatch, Ratchilla and Gold Dredging   • Wilfley Tables—Repair, Rebuild & Set Up   • Designing and Evaluating Placer Gold Recovery Plants   • Finding Streams of Gold   • This is Why You Check Your Tailings   • Lode or Placer: What Difference Does It Make?   • New Rules to Impact the Lease/Buy Decision   • There's a First Time for Everyone   • Appeals Court OKs Permits for Upper Peninsula Mine   • Melman on Gold & Silver   • Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices

Legislative and Regulatory Update   • Mining Journal Honored as Prospecting Magazine of the Year!


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