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Prospecting & Detecting

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How to Stake Your Own Mining Claims—Part I

Many new prospectors start out prospecting in public areas and club claims, and this is perfectly fine, but the next step in the progression of becoming an experienced prospector is to locate and stake your own mining claims. 

Using Vegetation and Soil Conditions as Prospecting Aids

Wouldn’t it be great if you could know if there is gold in the ground without setting foot on the ground? Well you can, to a certain extent, if you can recognize mined ground from unmined.

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Can a metal detector be used to find limonitic gossan material?

Proper Placer Sample Processing

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Small-Scale Processing of Hard Rock Ores

Depending on the ore and if significant sulfides are present, a hard rock miner may be able to get away with simply using a flux to digest the other minerals that may be present.

Why Assaying Placer Gold Deposits Doesn't Work

Let’s set up a thought experiment: Suppose you had some material that ran one ounce per ton gold, which is generally considered high grade to fantastic grade depending on the circumstances.

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