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GATA Update

Since we first reported on this story in January 2001, the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee has been active with their investigation of possible gold price manipulation by the US government, large bullion banks, and the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).

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Prospecting for Nickel Deposits

The periodic exploration efforts for nickel during periods of high prices have been sporadic and incomplete. There is a role for the prospector and geologist in searching laterites potentially rich in nickel and mafic igneous bodies that may be rich in nickel.

PLP Update September 2023

Looking Back

Excerpts from California Mining Journal, our original title, published 50 years ago this month.

Clearing the Nugget Trap with a Detector

On the day prior to Mother’s Day I was able to get out and spend a few hours prospecting. I wanted to try some new settings on my detector, and I had a place in mind to do that.

MMAC Update

After many decades of closures, land-use restrictions, and over-regulation, miners and all other public land users may finally see some real relief due to the efforts of MMAC.

Ask the Experts: Silent partners and mining—is it worth the risk?

PLP Needs Our Help

Public Lands for the People is taking on the government on behalf of miners to prevent more closures of public lands to mining and to stop excessive regulations...

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The Bawl Mill   • Our Readers Say   • San Diego County Tourmaline   • Nebraska Couple Finds Big Nugget in Arizona   • Great Basin Gold   • Company Notes   • Picks & Pans: Selecting a Gold Dredge   • VLF Detectors and the Effect of Mineralization While Nuggetshooting   • Search for the Legendary Sierra Azul   • Public Lands for the People Educates Prospectors   • Harshaw's Silver Days   • Mining Stock Quotes and Mineral & Metal Prices   • Melman on Gold & Silver   • Crandon Mine Decision Still Years Away, Says State   • Investors Hope to Revive Idaho Gold Mine

Legislative and Regulatory Update


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